How does Renegade get better prices than Binance?

For most major crypto assets, Binance is the most liquid exchange. Thanks to this abundance of liquidity, Binance functions as the primary price-finding venue for major crypto assets.

On an order book exchange like Binance, if you are selling an order, you would have to take the best available "bid" for your liquidity. If you are buying, you would take the best available "ask". However, between this bid and ask, there is a gap known as the "bid-ask spread."  

Bid-Ask Spread.png

The middle of the bid-ask spread is technically the best available price for any given asset. On Renegade, that's exactly thanks to midpoint-peg pricing. On Renegade, not only do you not cross the spread, you also don't pay price impact — which normally pushes prices even further away from the midpoint of the bid-ask spread.

Renegade prices truly are better than Binance.